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Aerial Advertising Media Services Offered Throughout the World

We will create or aid in creating, from scratch a simple or complex, READABLE campaign designed specifically for the brands needs that will not only be in their face, but remain on their minds in some cases for a lifetime. Our stunting capabilities reach far beyond just aerial advertising as we have some very memorable avenues to incorporate the electronic news media on a global level. For example: The silver UFO shaped balloon that captured the planet for a month in mid 2009 was offered for placement prior to the execution date as part of an incentive based aerial/network program.
Once created, we will plan or aid in planning the execution based on the brands ideal target demographic/s or DMA's and timeline.
We will oversee or aid in overseeing all aspects of the production schedule from final design layout to finished product.  Readability issues are dealt with during the creative process and NOT in the air!
We will place or aid in placing the project within the brands selected DMA's, utilizing the most qualified and reliable sources for the brands selected medium.  With over 3,000 fixed-based aerial advertising locations available worldwide, we offer extremely large, premium outdoor billboard locations that you could only dream of before. We have placed thousands of hours of aerial banner and billboard towing worldwide since 1990 and have offered substantial guidance to first time buyers and individuals that attempt this type of buy on their own. All forms of aerial advertising involve multiple living humans to execute the placement and the thousands upon thousands of lives below the equipment. To not consider it an extremely high liabilty activity is just a smokescreen. There are many factors to make educated decisions on when embarking into this ad medium.
We will supervise or aid in supervising the entire project or portions of an existing project.  From conception to completion and beyond we will assure the brands right to the exceptional retention value that any form of aerial advertising offers, if purchased and executed properly.
We will track or aid in the tracking of the placement of the entire project or of an existing project.  You will know to the minute, when the project was executed and where it was executed.  Keep in mind that a GPS tracking device incorporated into any mobile media vehicle does not constitute your message was attached. We actually track the project in real-time with real-humans. You will also have a very good idea of exactly how many people were at the target and if applicable, how many people saw the message to and from the target.  Additionally, On-Site tracking offers actual brand and message recall figures as well as actual audience demo information.

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Global Aerial Advertising Media Markets Available

Copyright© 1947-2022 Airads Worldwide Aerial Advertising. An Aerial Advertising Media Buying Company. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part in any form or medium without express written permission of Airads Worldwide Aerial Advertising is prohibited.
Airads Worldwide Aerial Advertising United States | Outdoor Advertising United States OOH | 1 Airport Drive Oakland, CA 94621